• +62-264-207052
  • +62 818 1823 6568
  • +62-264-204691
  • Kembang Kuning, Ubrug, Jatiluhur P.O. BOX 60 Purwakarta 41101 Jawa Barat – Indonesia
  • principal@ramaschool.com

We work all days a week, Please contact us for any inquiry.

  • Monday - Friday8:00 am - 16.00 pm


  • It gives me immense pleasure to welcome all of you to the School Website. We at Rama Global School have embarked upon an arduous journey to contribute our mite in shaping up the destiny of children in Indonesia. We have a Mission to develop and mould the character and intellect of our young children. These young children are going to be the Trustees of wonderful world order, free from the clutches of poverty, inequality and injustice of any shade. They will play a crucial role in Nation building, sweet homes and better human relationships. They will contribute immensely to the vibrant society which the entire world looks forward to.